grow food, not lawn.

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  • Russell Ballestrini's avatar
    Verification challenge code refactor · d93e9106
    Russell Ballestrini authored
    it works good enough,
    future commits will do some refactors to make the success
    screen more user friendly.
    	modified:   Makefile
    	modified:   README.rst
    	modified:   index.html
    	modified:   remarkbox/lib/
    	modified:   remarkbox/lib/
    	modified:   remarkbox/models/
    	modified:   remarkbox/models/
    	modified:   remarkbox/
    	modified:   remarkbox/templates/join-or-log-in.j2
    	modified:   remarkbox/templates/show-node.j2
    	new file:   remarkbox/templates/verification-challenge.j2
    	modified:   remarkbox/tests/
    	modified:   remarkbox/tests/
    	modified:   remarkbox/views/
    	modified:   remarkbox/views/